Monday, March 14, 2011

Faux cupcakes

My sister's birthday was last week, and she came through town yesterday.  All of the siblings pulled together for a gift, and Sara and I planned dinner out to celebrate.  That left just one item on the to-do list....what to do for dessert? 

After considering cake and cupcakes, I decided to go with an old standby favorite:  Rice Krispie treats.  Ben and I decided to make them in cupcake form, since we were taking them to a restaurant and needed to have something portable. 

 But isn't everything better with frosting?  And we needed a little bit of personalization, so I made some chocolate "32s" to put in some of them. 

These were way better than any cupcake I've ever had...but I don't care much about the cake portion of a cupcake, so keep that in mind.  Frosting.  On top of a Rice Krispie treat.  Awesome.

Happy Birthday, Susan! 

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